Friday, November 28, 2008

Cactus, Airplanes and Tombstones

After a delightful visit with Lou's 2 nephews, Mike and Kevin, in Chandler, we are on the road again towards Texas. We had a great Thanksgiving (Thank you Kevin and Cindy for including us). Since we took a lot of street space at Mike's, we felt that we needed to get moving. An added impetus was an offer for 5 days and 4 nights FREE at an RV Resort in St. David, AZ. Of course, we'll have to listen to a sales pitch in the AM as an accomodation. But with full hookups, it's still an offer hard to refuse. St. David is between Tucson and Tombstone so the location will allow us to check out the area and revisit the gunfights at the Tombstone OK Corral:)
On the way here, we stopped at the Pima Air & Space Museum so I could go drool over all the neat airplanes there. The collection is very large and diverse including the SR-71 Blackbird and the Super Guppy. Don't laugh, that's what they called it. I was surprised that there was not a P-51, P-38 or F4U Corsair. It turns out that they are being built in a different hangar and not open to the public as yet.
After that, we stopped at the Saguaro National Park and took the drive through tour. Saguaros are a very interesting (and slow growing) species taking 50 years to attain a height of 7 feet. By 100 years the saguaro may have reached 25 feet.
The attached pics should be self explanatory as to airplane or cactus:)

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