Friday, April 1, 2011

Journeys End.. Home!

We have concluded this years trip. The final leg from the ELKS Lodge in Sherwood, OR via Kenniwick was accomplished in spite of some high and gusty winds. Fortunately, most of the wind was at our backs:) Nice to have ANYTHING that will improve the MPG! We did have a nice visit with Lou's sister in the Oregon area. This was NOT the best time to travel in Northern CA or OR because it RAINS a LOT. Of course it also makes everything green and lush:)
All was well at the house when we arrived and Lou enjoyed her hot shower with unlimited water. I enjoyed my shower with lots of room to turn around in without bumping and banging of elbows. No more concerns for capacities of the holding tanks or the amount of fresh water left until we venture out again, perhaps this summer.
All told, we put 4,800 miles on the RV and a good bit on the Tacoma as well. Yes, the gas bill is a doozy but still worth it. Next time to the SW, we'll do a more direct route down and back with more focus on the BLM boondocking areas in AZ to conserve money for the gas tank:) And, alas, we will most likely skip CA next trip. We were there twice on this trip and it's just too expensive.
First, we have to survive an extended La Nina season in the Pacific NW which means that a wet and cool Spring is in store for us until June according to the weather people. It will feel like being in Northern CA for 2 more months:) It will give Lou lots of time to get caught up on her quilting and I can repair a few planes while waiting for flying season.
All told, we had a really great trip and really enjoyed meeting up with sister, cousins, nephews and new babies. We also met up with old acquaintances and some new friends. We will always remember the awesome Tournament of Roses Parade up close and in true living color.
Maybe next year we can do it again:)

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