Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Night in Wikieup

"Don't blink or you will miss it" is more than just a catchy phrase, it's Wikieup, AZ. 2 gas stations and one "RV Park and Restaurant" comprise 90% of the wide spot. People are friendly and the restaurant serves a pretty good BBQ beef sandwich but no beer:( We have left the beautiful Echo Bay campground and have wended our way further South on our journey. Dazzo's RV Park and Restaurant is where we have parked for the night. We could have continued on toward destination but would have arrived in the Phoenix area traffic rush. Not good with an RV and following spouse in the Prius. RV is doing well at 10 MPG!!!!! Oh Joy:) Look out Mike and Eva, we're on our way! As much as I enjoy driving the RV, I'm looking forward to getting set up and sitting still for a week or more at a time. I'll post some more pics on the next entry. For now, good night!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Valley of Fire Pics

Yesterday we took a nice slow drive through the Valley of Fire State Park. We have been there before (3 years ago on our infamous first trip) but are still amazed at the beauty and grandeur of the park. 150,000,000 years of geological and historical wonder on display for all to see. And, there are still those who think the Earth is only 10,000 years old. We even saw some actual wildlife! Big Horn sheep and a tortoise that was too slowly trying to cross the road. So, I got out and "helped" him the rest of the way lest he become part of the endangered species. How lush and green everything is this year since they had the heavy snowfalls in the mountains (130% above normal). They are projecting that Lake Mead will rise some 23 feet this year as a result which will make the boating groups very happy. We hope you enjoy the pics. We'll be here at Echo Bay for at least a couple of days, maybe more:)

Monday, October 24, 2011


Probably in reverse order are some pics I took along the way showing what many of Nevada's roads look like from the driver's seat and some views from our present location. We are on a small plateau some 600 feet above the town of Overton, NV. Note: The RV in the sunset pic is NOT ours:) The winding road is the one back toward town looking down from the plateau.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

OK. Add tiny and Humongous bugs to the previous list. We have added Ash Springs and Overton to our hot spot list. Ash Springs was the first, and only, "RV Park" for 200 miles coming from Wells. It is a private truck stop/campground/gas station/tire shop/deli and offered electric and water. The water, however, just dribbled out of the hose and took all night to add 20 gallons to our tank. We are now on a plateau overlooking Overton, NV. The ground looks like Quartzite but the views are much better! I'll add pics to the next post of our viewpoints. We'll be here for a couple of nights and then move on down the road to Echo Bay at the Lake Mead National Recreational Area where we'll be for a couple of days, maybe more:) We are not in a great hurry to get down to AZ until the temps moderate. It is 87 here today and sunny with a nice breeze. Down there, it's still in the 90's but will be getting into the low 80's by next week. Awesome flying conditions here except for the landing area.. too many stones and rocks:(

Thursday, October 20, 2011

All Bugs, Look Out!

We are back on the road and killing small, medium, large and giant bugs with the very efficient Bounder Bug Killer! Hitting all the hot spots on the way like Plymouth, WA (Corps of Engineers campground) and Mountain Home, ID (ELKS Lodge). Tomorrow, we head South to the thriving metropolis' of Jackpot and Wells, NV. Then, we'll figure out how far we want to go the next day. Eventually, we'll arrive in the SW AZ area but are not in a great hurry as the 90's are still in vogue there. We did get a good look at Fall colors in the Blue Mountains of OR as we motored on to Mountain Home. I was too busy handling the RV to take pics and Lou was busy following in the Prius. Since we sold my Tacoma pickup, we don't have an official tow vehicle anymore and decided against buying a tow dolly for the Prius. At 50 MPG, it will wind up using less gas as it does twice as good on gas as the pickup did and the RV is happier without the extra 4,000 pounds hanging on the tail end. More from farther down the road to follow.