Friday, December 2, 2011

Tenacity of Age

As I get a little older, I notice different things that would not have interested me in my younger years. This afternoon while walking around the campground, I saw an old Saguaro cactus being crowded by a Mesquite tree and a Palo Verde tree. The cactus is at least 150 years old and has been there much longer than the younger interlopers. The Mesquite on the left and the Palo Verde on the right will NOT defeat the cactus as evidenced by the new growth on the top of the branches. The motto must be "Never give up!". I can relate to that as I look back on my later years of working toward retirement. The new, younger people would eventually look at me as one of the dinosaurs that should move out to make room for them. NUTS! With the great help of Lou, I was able to make it long enough to retire on our own terms. Now as we enjoy being in the desert of AZ I can tell all the others still working toward their retirement, Never Give Up!

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